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Mohave Amateur Radio Club
Non-Profit ByLaws



  1. To provide the Mohave Amateur Radio Club a window to the world of amateur radio and its many  diverse opportunities.

  2. To offer a chance to be represented in a world wide community of amateur radio operators through operating events, ham fests, special projects and contests.

  3. To provide the community with a pool of experienced and trained amateur radio operators that can provide reliable emergency communications if the need should arise.

  4. To offer support and instructional procedures to help promote good amateur radio operating practices.

  5. To accommodate individuals wishing to obtain an amateur radio license or to upgrade their existing license class by providing amateur radio test sessions.



  1. Membership is open to anyone regardless of residence, whether licensed amateur radio operators or unlicensed individuals who are interested in amateur radio communications.  Individuals wishing to join shall be eligible for membership without regard to race, creed, sex, or disability.  Membership shall be by application which may be obtained and submitted at regular club meetings, mailed to the club address showing on the application, or given to a club officer for submission at the next meeting.  All applications received will first be published in the next club newsletter with the exception of an applicant’s address, phone number, and e-mail address.  This is to permit club members who do not attend meetings to have knowledge about possible new members and to give them a chance to voice their opinion, if any, about said applicant.  After newsletter publication all applications will be presented to the club members in attendance at the next regular meeting and voted on via a “raise your hands vote”.  A simple majority of those voting will determine acceptance or rejection. 

  2. Full membership is open to all who hold a valid amateur radio license and includes all club privileges as well as rights to hold a club office and to vote for club officers or vote on any other club matter.

  3. Associate membership is open to anyone interested in amateur radio that is not currently licensed in the Amateur Radio Service.  Associate members are not eligible to hold office or vote for club officers.  

  4. All new applicants or those filing for membership reinstatement shall declare on the application form in the space provided that they are not currently a convicted felon in any jurisdiction of the USA or its possessions.  Membership is not open to anyone who is currently a convicted felon.

  5. All members, existing and those voted into the club shall designate on their membership application.  Members may only vote on matters presented to them at the meeting.  At no time may a member vote twice on any issue, matter, or officer election.



  1. The officers of the club shall consist of President, Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer, Technical Director, Public Relations/Newsletter Editor Officer, Parliamentarian/Sergeant At Arms, Web Page Officer.

  2. The officers of this club with the exceptions of Technical Director, Public Relations/Newsletter Officer, Web Page Officer shall be elected for a term of one year by a majority of the dues paid up members voting and present using a secret written ballot vote OR thru an e-mail ballot sent to the member with instructions to complete the ballot and  return it via e-mail no later than the return due date provided OR by printing a copy of the ballot sent via e-mail and returning it via US Mail or messenger, following the instructions given on the ballot including the due date.  The counting of all ballots will be conducted by the club secretary at the election night membership meeting.  This vote shall be taken at the December meeting with nominations for club officers to occur at the November meeting.  Those elected shall take office at the January meeting and their terms will run for twelve months expiring just prior to the start of the January meeting of the following year.  The Technical Director, Public Relations/Newsletter Officer, Web Page Officer shall be appointed by the President and serve at the President’s pleasure.

  3. Vacancies occurring between elections caused by resignation, death, abandonment (failing to appear for two consecutive general membership monthly meetings without prior notification to the President or other designated club officer), or removal by the Board of Directors and general membership will be filled via appointment conducted by the President after the open position is advertised by all of the following methods.  The vacant position will be a) announced on the next regularly scheduled club net and b) announced at the next general membership monthly meeting.  Within ten days after the completion of (a) and (b) above the President shall choose the club officer replacement who shall serve until the next election.

  4. Club officers not fulfilling their duties or violating the Code of Conduct for club members and officers can be removed from office or the club.

  5. Any applicant for a club officer position who is NOT currently serving on the Board of Directors shall complete the New Officer Questionaire answering all questions truthfully and submit the completed form to the President no later than the date on which nominations for officer positions are complete.  This form is designed to share information about the nominee to assist the membership in deciding if the nominee is appropriate for the position.  Anyone who has been removed from a club officer position as the result of misconduct in any amateur radio club or organization OR who has resigned their position because of misconduct is NOT eligible for a Board membership in the MARC. 


Duties Of Officers:

  1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Kingman Club and conduct them according to the by-laws.  He/She shall enforce and abide by the club constitution and by-laws, decide all questions of order, sign all official or legal documents adopted by the club and perform all other duties pertaining to the Office of Club President.  He/she shall fill any vacant officer positions caused by death, resignation, removal, or abandonment via appointment.

  2. The Vice-President shall organize club activities, plan and recommend contests that advance club member interests.  Any planned activity or contest shall be reviewed by the Club President and voted upon by the general membership (simple majority prevails) prior to the start of said activity or contest.  The Vice-President shall perform any other duties as requested by the Club President.

  3. The Secretary will maintain a set of minutes for each club meeting of the Kingman Club and furnish a copy, written or electronic to the Club President prior to the start of the next Kingman Club meeting.  This officer shall keep a list of Kingman Club members based upon information furnished by the Club President and Treasurer.  The Secretary shall assist the Club President in correspondence and other written activity as requested.

  4. The Treasurer shall handle all financial records of the Kingman Club and maintain an accurate accounting of all income and expenses.  A summary of all income and expenses shall be read at each Kingman Club meeting.  This person shall read all new and reinstatement member applications at each Kingman Club meeting and will be responsible for collecting dues from members as necessary, pay any bills as directed by the Club President, issue receipts for money collected and perform other duties as requested by the President.  Additionally, at club events the Treasurer will operate as the sole cashier for monetary transactions unless another person(s) has/have been delegated this specific duty by the Treasurer or President.

  5. The Parliamentarian/Sergeant At Arms shall keep the club constitution and by-laws and have those documents with him/her at every meeting of the Kingman Club.  He/she will note any amendments, changes and additions on said documents and shall permit them to be reviewed by members upon request.  He/she shall assist the presiding officer in maintaining good order during the Kingman Club meetings and perform other duties as requested by the President.  Also, this officer will greet members and visitors unless this task is assigned to another club officer.

  6. The Public Relations/Newsletter Officer shall be responsible for performing specified duties as requested by the President that help to promote the club.

  7. The Technical Director shall be responsible for installing and maintaining all club  radio equipment and performing other related duties as determined by the President.

  8. The Web Page Officer shall create and publish a monthly newsletter and maintain the club web pages and perform related duties as assigned by the President.


Board of Directors:

The Board of Directors shall meet at a time and place so directed by the Presiding officer, normally the President or in his absence, a pre-designated member of the Board.  The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers of the Mohave Amateur Radio Club.



The Trustee/Sponsor(s) shall be responsible for all licensing and operational matters with respect to all of the communications equipment owned by the Mohave Amateur Radio Club.  This individual shall hold an Amateur Extra Class license to ensure full operating privileges.



Regular meetings of the Kingman Club shall be held on the first Tuesday of each calendar month at 1900 hours at the Kingman Regional Medical Center, 3269 Stockton Hill Rd., Kingman, AZ or at such a time and place as determined by the Board of Directors.  If the permanent location changes, this article shall be updated within 60 days of said change. 



  1. Dues for the membership year will be set at the September meeting.  Any change in annual dues must be voted on by the attending members.  Any member whose dues are three months in arrears shall be dropped for non-payment of dues.  Reinstatement as a member may be accomplished by completing a membership application and submitting it to the club subject to the same approval process that new members are subject to.  Dues collected from a member cover the period of membership which begins on the date an applicant is voted in as a member and run thru the month of August.  At the end of that period the renewal dues amount will be adjusted to whatever amount is in effect for annual member dues.  Members may pay for only one membership year at a time with the exception of an applicant who is voted in during any month other than September in which case shall pay 1/12th of the current yearly dues for each month from time of acceptance into the club thru next August.

  2. A Life Membership option shall be made available to members.  Said membership shall be granted to any member who pays ten times the current yearly membership fee in one payment (no installment payments).

  3. Honorary Life Membership shall be granted to any club member who has performed outstanding work for the betterment of the MARC.  The MARC Board of Directors via vote will determine if a member shall be granted this membership class.  Such person need not pay annual dues and may not vote for officers or hold office if he/she has paid no dues while in this membership category.



  1. The club via a designated Public Relations and Operating Committee will provide technical advice to members concerning equipment design and operation, and uniform practice of club member stations.  The club shall also maintain a program to foster and guide public relations in the community.

  2. The Public Relations and Operating Committee shall consist of members from the local amateur radio community and will be appointed by the club Trustee/Sponsor and approved by the President.  In the event of complaints against members, this committee will assist the member to correct the problem.



The constitution or by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the members present. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and will be published in a newsletter prior to being voted on at the next regular meeting.


Violations and the Code of Conduct:

  1. Violations:  Members are responsible for knowing and abiding by the appropriate FCC rules and regulations as well as generally accepted amateur radio etiquette including the ARRL voluntary band plans.  Repeated violations of these items will result in suspension of operating privileges of club equipment.  The Board of Directors will determine if violations have occurred and possess sole authority via a majority vote of the officers voting via secret ballot to suspend a member’s operating privileges of club equipment.  The period of suspension is to be determined by the Board.

  2. Code of Conduct:  The Code of Conduct is designed to put club members on notice as to the types of conduct that are not acceptable and will be grounds for removal from club membership.  The following are prohibited activities:

  1. Willful misrepresentation of material facts & statements by a club officer involving the officer’s duties and responsibilities.
  2. Any theft or embezzlement of club property or another club member’s property.
  3. Frequent use of foul or improper language at any club event, activity, or meeting.
  4. Any willful and unlawful destruction of club or a club member’s property.
  5. Any act of fraud against the club or a club member.
  6. Any behavior that disrupts a club event, meeting, or activity.
  7. Willful participation in any activity that brings discredit upon the club.
  8. The commission of any crime during any club event, activity, or meeting.
  9. Willful misrepresentation of material facts & statements by any club member involving the filing or submission of any form including but not limited to a membership application and a Board of Directors Nominee Background Information Form.
  10. A club officer not fulfilling his/her duty


  1. Code of Conduct Due Process Procedure:  Violations of the Code of Conduct will be handled as follows. Upon receipt of a possible violation the Board of Directors will appoint a committee of three members not connected to the allegation(s) or parties involved, who are in good standing to investigate the alleged violations. The committee will report back to the Board of Directors with a statement as to whether the allegation(s) appear to be valid or not.  If the allegations appear to be valid the committee members will make a presentation calling witnesses and presenting evidence if deeded necessary.  This presentation will be made at a general membership scheduled monthly meeting.  The accused club member will be given an opportunity to make a presentation at this meeting, calling any witnesses and presenting evidence if he/she deems it appropriate.  A presiding officer from the Board will attempt to maintain order during this proceeding.  Afterwards, all members present may cast a secret ballot to either remove or retain the accused member from the club.  If the accused is a club officer those voting must decide if the officer should be removed from the Board of Directors and if he/she should be removed from the club as a member.  A simple majority of those voting will determine the outcome.  Removal is effective immediately if applicable.


Disputes between Club Members:

If two or more club members have a dispute concerning ham radio they may seek an arbitration hearing by approaching the club President who MAY, if he/she elects, appoint a panel of three club members to handle the dispute.  The hearing may be held in private if all parties of the dispute agree.  The decision of the panel shall be by majority vote.  This decision shall be an advisory one ONLY and is NOT a legal decision.  The only goal of this process is to hopefully solve the problem at hand.


Club Officer Eligibility:

Any club member that wishes to run for a club officer elected position must be a member in good standing (dues paid up) for the twelve month period prior to the month that nominations for elected positions are accepted.  Additionally, such member must have physically attended at least eight of the last twelve general membership meetings held prior to the month that nominations for elected positions are accepted.


Updated May 27, 2021. Copyright 2011  K7MPR -   All rights reserved.